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The Intelligent Social Change Journey: Foundation for the Possibilities that are YOU!

By Alex Bennet, David Bennet, Arthur Shelley, Theresa Bullard and John Lewis

About the book /series

The Intelligent Social Change Journey (ISCJ) is a developmental journey of the body, mind and heart, moving from the heaviness of cause-and-effect linear extrapolations, to the fluidity of co-evolving with our environment, to the lightness of breathing our thought and feelings into reality. Grounded on our mental development, there are three phase changes, each building on and expanding previous learning in our movement toward intelligent activity.
The ISCJ is at the core of the five parts of The Profundity and Bifurcation of Change and the 22 little books that are the Conscious Look Book series Possibilities that are YOU! This little book, which is excerpted from the larger PBC books, lays the foundation for this journey, and provides context in trms of the relationship of moral development, faith development, and consciousness expansion.



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