Unleashing the Human Mind: A Consilience Approach to Managing Self
By David Bennet, Alex Bennet, Robert Turner
Foreword by Florin Gaiseanu

About the book /series
What does it mean to be human? Increasingly, we recognize that we are infinitely complex beings with immense emotional and spiritual, physical and mental capacities. Presiding over these human systems, our brain is a fully integrated, biological, and extraordinary organ that is preeminent in the known Universe. Its time has come. This book is grounded in the Intelligent Complex Adaptive Learning System (ICALS) theory based on over a decade of researching experiential learning through the expanding lens of neuroscience.
Epistemology, the study of what we know and how we know, to become a more conscious and collaborative society, was the hope of the great philosophers … this book represents a resurrection moment for that dream. John Lewis, Ed.D., CKO, Explanation Age, USA
Every now and then a book comes along that compels your spirit. In these times of uncertainty and even great danger for humanity, this book reminds us of what it means to be human, our infinite potential and innate ability to learn and to love. Dr. Milton deSousa, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
I found myself riveted to each paragraph as I embarked on a journey that vastly deepened my understanding of the learning process. Duane Nickull, Author, Technologist, and Seeker of Higher Truth, Canada
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Unleashing the Human Mind Field Guide: An OrgZoo Quest
Alex Bennet, Robert Turner, Arthur Shelley, Jane Turner, and illustrated by Mark Boyes
Available for purchase from Amazon ($9)
Download Unleashing Field Guide PDF (FREE)